About the Journal

The journal Art of Music. Theory and History is an electronic peer-reviewed periodical, one of the leading academic editions in the field of musical art, dealing with general problems of musical culture related to its genesis, development and contemporary state, as well as with a large scope of special musicological topics. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed periodicals established by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Order of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission, September 23, 2022).
The nomenclature for fields of science in which academic degrees are awarded:
5.10.1.  Theory and history of culture, art (Culture Studies),
5.10.1. Theory and history of culture, art (Art History),
5.10.3. Art forms (Art History),
5.7.3. Aesthetics (Philosophy).
The journal is published by the State Institute for Art Studies (SIAS) with the consent of the Scientific Council of SIAS of 2011. The financial support is provided by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

The priority is given to materials which propose new approaches to the already explored problems of musical art, involve previously unknown sources or put forward new issues, pointing to novel areas of research. The journal publishes articles on music theory and history, as well as excerpts from forthcoming monographs, conference papers, archival materials, book reviews, presentations of new books and announcements of the events of special importance for our professional community.

The journal’s editorial board intends to enlarge the publication of materials in major European languages (English, German and French) in order to provide more information about the state of musical scholarship abroad and to promote the integration of Russian musicology in an international context.

The electronic journal’s distinctive feature is the presence on its pages of audio and video files, providing the opportunity to listen to the music touched upon in the published texts. This, obviously, makes the journal more approachable for a larger readership and helps to promote the musical art.

Since 2015, the periodical has appeared twice a year.

ISSN 2307-5015

The journal is registered in the Russian Index of Scientific Quotations.