Doctor of Science (art history), leading researcher at the State Institute for Art Studies
Places, Times, Observations on the Pages of Memoirs by Tamara Livanova
Булычева А. Бородин
V. I. Belsky’s Letters To Andrey Nikolaevich And Mikhail Nikolaevich Rimsky-Korsakov
Presentation of new editions: N. Yu. Plotnikova’s monograph on Russian partesnïy (polyphonic) chant, collection of articles and materials in memory of Yu. V. Keldïsh, new issue of the series ‘Russian Orthodox Church Singing in the 20th Century’.
Bibliographic News
A Soviet-Era Archbishop: Singing Repertoires of Church Hierarch Sergiy (Larin)
Two Episodes: the Marine Academy and the Aleksander Nevsky Lavra
A. S. Lyapunova In Memoriam; T. A. Zaytseva. M. A. Balakirev’s Creative Lessons. Pianism, Conducting, Teaching; A. A. Alekseev-Boretsky. Nikolay Ivanovich Zaremba
“…I’m not a priest, I’m a trade-union member…” (the Dramsoyuz Affair)
A review of recent publication on Russian Orthodox musical culture