Reviewing Rules
The decisive factor of selection for publication in the journal is the texts’ high scholarly level. The compliance with the required criteria is estimated through qualified and objective expertise of the materials submitted.
1. All the materials are reviewed, as a rule, during 2–3 months after their registration in the journal’s editorial office.
2. The manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal Art of Music. Theory and History are reviewed by invited experts or by members of the journal’s editorial council. As a rule, two experts are appointed for each article. The choice of reviewers is a prerogative of the principal editor(s).
3. If the review is negative, the article is declined, and the author is informed about the reasons within ten days. The names of reviewers are not disclosed.
4. If an expert suggest amendments to the text, his or her observations and suggestions are brought to the authors’ notice. The improved version of the article is submitted, as a rule, to the same expert. The article is accepted for publication when its final version is approved by experts.
5. If the authors disagree with the reviewer’s opinion, the editorial staff can decide at their request about submitting the article to another expert.
6. If the next review is also negative, the article is definitively declined, and the author is informed about the reasons within ten days.
7. The order of priority of publications in the journal is determined by the principal editor(s).
8. The reviews are kept in the editorial office for five years and can be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation if the editorial office receives a relevant inquiry.
All the above requirements are based on the rules set by the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) in the Information Letter of 14.10.2008, No. 45.1–132.